
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Learning journey


W.A.L.T we are learning to colour in famous artwork 

Today we went on a website called art colouring book and their were all sorts of random famous art pieces that you could colour in it was pretty easy. i picked this artwork to colour in because the wave looked familiar to a series i watched and the colouring from the previous one looked basic so i made it pop. i wish we could shade it to put more detail or to make it pop but i like the way it turned out.

What is your favourite piece of artwork and why?

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Different types of media

 W.A.L.T Create a poster about media 

I learnt that There are three different types of media like print media, Online media and Broadcasting media 
I enjoyed making my Poster for this subject it did take a while though but i still enjoyed the creativity 
 The most difficult thing was Making the Poster cause the amount of time we got 

Do you like my poster? 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

What to do if a person is getting bullied

Today we learned how to stand up to bad behaviour online and in person
we also now know the proper meanings to emojis and we learnt what to do in case of a troll
what would you do in case someone is getting bullied or trolled?

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Book creator

Today in class we learnt how to use book creator it was confusing  how to use at first but after awhile i got the hang of it and we learnt what to do in case of a spam comment 


Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Quality Blog Commenting

W.A.L.T Identify and justify positive and negative blog comments 

I enjoyed doing this answering some of them were pretty hard cause I couldn't think of anything or my words came over a bit harsh. I also enjoyed doing this with my buddy we needed a little bit of help but eventually we  got it over and done with so  yeah. I enjoyed this session of doing our blog commenting :)

Question: Do you have any tips for next time? 

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

How to create a quality blog

Today we are doing How to make a quality blog post because we got told to and yeah 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

My Andy Warhal waifu art

Andy Warhal was an american artist that Drew Marylin Rondoe 1962 shortly after her death the marilyn diptych is a silkscreen painting with with fifty images of the actress 
On Well being Wednesday my class did an article about Andy Warhol Art. We chose certain images to colour in with different colours. It took time to choose our images for the art but sometime later we all got our images done and sent our image that we got off google to go and print them off the printer for us. A few people went to retrieve our images when our images came back we started colouring in.